"Pieces of You"
"Pieces of You"

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November 2017

Principal Investigator: Joseph Lazaro Rodriguez

Installation/Participatory Performance investigating the premise of negotiating risks and contractual exchanges of power and materia. 20 human volunteers review and sign an informed consent. Participants are given a sterile sample cup and are asked to place a biological or organic "piece" of themselves into the cup. Sample cups are returned sealed to the principal investigator. The contracts, cups and resultant donated materia presented as artifacts.

"Pieces of You"
"Pieces of You"

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November 2017

performance, installation view

"Pieces of You"
"Pieces of You"
"Pieces of You"

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November 2017

Principal Investigator: Joseph Lazaro Rodriguez

Installation/Participatory Performance investigating the premise of negotiating risks and contractual exchanges of power and materia. 20 human volunteers review and sign an informed consent. Participants are given a sterile sample cup and are asked to place a biological or organic "piece" of themselves into the cup. Sample cups are returned sealed to the principal investigator. The contracts, cups and resultant donated materia presented as artifacts.

"Pieces of You"

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November 2017

performance, installation view

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